Brandon Crossett

  • Graduated public school

    Graduated public school
    Graduated public school from Lambeth P.S. on june 27th 2012, Started grade 9 in the following september at saunders secondary school.
  • Period: to

    My Life over 10 years :)


    solved my fist rubics cube with my firend isaiah in art class :)
  • Created Reume

    Created Reume
    Created my resume and handed out resmues :)
  • Won the provincial Bowling Tourny

    Won the provincial Bowling Tourny
    Won the provincial singals tournement in missisauga in 2014
  • Life change

    Life change
    Dad moved in with his new girlfriend
  • Bought My First Car

    Bought My First Car
    Bought my first car with my dad a checrolet equinox :)
  • First Interview

    First Interview
    Went to my first interview at timhortons
  • Start First job

    Start First job
    start my first job in st thomas at tim hortons
  • Volunteer Work

    Volunteer Work
    Finish my volunteer hrs with the city of st thomas to grduate high school :)
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I will graduate from parkside collegiate insitute in june 2017
  • Start Post Secondary

    Start Post Secondary
    Start post secondary school for becoming a carpenter
  • Start My Carrer

    Start My Carrer
    The first day of my new carrer as a carpenter :)
  • Buy my own house

    Buy my own house
    save up till im 22 so i have at least 20% down on my first house :)
  • Start a Family

    Start a Family
    Bring a mini Brandon into the world :)