Gates billionaire

Bill Gates

  • Born

    Seattle, WA
  • High school

    Started middle/high school at Lakeside School. Its a privite school for grades 5-12. Went there 1967-1973.
  • Went to Harvord

    Went to Harvord
    Went to Harvord
  • Founded Mircrosoft

    Founded Mircrosoft
    Founded Microsoft
  • First job

    Founded a compony with Paul Allen as his first job.
  • Won the National Medal of Technology and Innovation

    Won this medal because he is smart
  • Became richest man in the world

    Became richest man in the world
    Becoming the richest man in world
  • Won the Silver Buffalo award

    Won the Silver Buffalo award
    Was awarded the Silver Buffalo award.
  • Won the Millenium Bambi award

    Won the Millenium Bambi award
  • Characterisitcs
