Susannah wakes up with 2 bug bites
Susannah wakes up from her apartment in NYC to find 2 bug bites on her -
Susannah has complete numbness on her left arm
Susannah is part way through her day, when her left arm goes completely numb -
Susannah gets a sharp pain in her stomach
Susannah stands up and gets a sharp pain in her stomach -
Susannah had a seizure
Susannah woke up from her sleep then started to have a seizure, her boyfriend Stephen called 911. -
Doctors thinks she has Bipolar disease
She met with a psychiatrist, who diagnosed her with bipolar disease -
Susannah gets admitted to the hospital
Susannah gets admitted to the NYU medical school hospital for further evaluation -
Doctors do a "Clock Test" on Susannah
The doctors at the hospital decide to do a Clock Test to see -
Susannah gets the diagnosis
Susannah is still in the hospital, when a doctor named Souhel Najjar gave her a proper diagnosis -
Susannah starts her first round of medication
After susannah gets diagnosed with anti-MDNA, she get put on her first round of medication to try to reverse the effects her her condition -
Susannah get discharged after 21 days
After a few rounds of treatment in the hospital, susannah gets discharged from the hospital after 21 days. Susannah continues to do IV treatment for while -
Susannah starts her final round of medication
After being out of the hospital for long enough to finish her iv treatments, Susannah starts one final round of iv treatments to finish reversing her condition -
Susannah goes back to work
Susannah finishes all treatment and gets well enough to go back to work at the New York Post.