brain development

  • Stage 1 - Infancy

    Stage 1 - Infancy
    0-2 years old
    Trust vs. Mistrust
    If the infant's basic needs are met, they are likely to develop trusting their parents and other people. If the baby's basic needs are not met or ignored, they will become less trusting, and their brains will develop faster to manage their own stress.
  • Stage 2 - Toddlerhood

    Stage 2 - Toddlerhood
    2-3 years old
    Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
    Independance vs. Dependency
    Encouragement of self-efficacy by parent/caretaker will lead to high confidence and autonomy of the toddler. If discouraged, the toddler will begin to doubt themselves and thier actions.
  • Stage 3 - Preschool

    Stage 3 - Preschool
    3-5 years old
    Initiative vs. Guilt
    Children will speak up & assert themselves when they need something.
    If this behavior is treated with a positive reaction, the child will view initiative as a positive thing. If the child's initiative is greeted negatively, the child will be deterred from takin the lead and become timider.
  • Stage 4 - Early School Years

    Stage 4 - Early School Years
    Industry vs. Inferiority
    Children begin comparing themselves to others
    If children feel accomplished in relation to their peer, they develop strong self-esteem. If children feel they haven't met milestones compared to classmates, they may struggle with self-esteem and image.
  • Stage 5 - Adolescents

    Stage 5 - Adolescents
    Identity vs. Role Confusion
    Child begins developing sense of self
    Adolescents who can identify who they are and grow up with create stronger goals & self-confidence. Those who still deeply depend on parents/others for social interaction may experience role confusion.
  • Stage 6 - Young Adulthood

    Stage 6 - Young Adulthood
    Roughly 20 years old
    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    People begin developing their closest relationships.
    Those who gain close relationships develop the ability to grow intimate connections. While those who don't develop these relationships can feel isolated.
  • Stage 7 - Middle Adulthood

    Stage 7 - Middle Adulthood
    40-65 years old
    Generativity vs. Stagnation
    People may struggle with how they feel they have contributed to society.
    Those who feel they have contributed feel a sense of leaving a legacy; while those who feel they have not contributed wonder if their life's work holds any meaning and experience stagnation.
  • Stage 8 - Late Adulthood

    Stage 8 - Late Adulthood
    Ego Integrity vs. Despair
    Reaching the end of life, people reflect on it
    If the person experiences fulfillment & believe their life was meaningful, they'll experience ego integrity. If they feel they haven't lived a good life or experience regret, the person will experience despair.