Congress passed the Smith Hughes Act
The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 provided federal funds to support the teaching of agriculture. This act stated that the purpose of vocational agriculture was to train people "who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm." -
FFA formed the First Boys Agriculture Club
FFV formed the first boy agriculture club in 1920 allowing boys into FFA. -
Blue and Yellow adopted as FFA Offical Colors
National blue and yellow adopted as the FFA Orginiaztion's official colors. Blue reminds us that FFA is a national orginization. Gold reminds us that corn is a native american crop grown. -
FFA Creed was adopted
The official FFA creed was adopted and revised. -
Blue corduroy jacket was adopted as FFA Official Dress
In 1933 the blue corduroy jacket was established as FFA Official Dress. -
National FFA Foundation was formed
Providing opportunities to help FFA members grow and succeed is the work of the National FFA Foundation, which supports the National FFA Organization and education-related organizations associated with the National Council for Agricultural Education. -
National FFA Band Formed
In 1946, the first National FFA Band formed at National FFA Convention. -
Public Law 740 is passed.
In 1950, the 81st Congress of the United States, recognizing the importance of the FFA as an integral part of the program of vocational agriculture, granted a Federal Charter to the FFA. -
New Farmers Magazine is published
Farm Journal Magazine for up-to-date farming & agriculture news. -
FFA Code of Ethics
FFA code of Ethics was adopted in 1952 -
1st Commerative FFA Stamp
1st Commerative FFA Stamp was issued by the U.S. Post Office. -
1st National FFA Center
In 1959, the dedication of the 1st Naitonal FFA Center was held in Alexandria, Virginia. -
Merger between FFA and NFA
The merger between FFA and NFA increased FFA membership because all races were allowed. -
Females allowed into FFA
FFA was opened to female students -
National FFA Alumni Association
In 1971 the National FFA Alumni Association was formed. -
FFA Student Handbook
1976 the FFA student Handbook was published -
1st National Creed Speaking Event
1st National Creed Speaking event was held in 1999 -
First Degree becomes available
The first Degree became available to members in 2001