Brad's Timeline

By bbute
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
  • Period: to

    See the world

  • Basic Training

    Basic Training
  • Marriage

  • Duty Assignment--New Jersey

    Duty Assignment--New Jersey
  • Homeward Bound

    Homeward Bound
  • Attend HVAC School

    Attend HVAC School
  • First HVAC Job

    First HVAC Job
  • First Child

    First Child
  • Start HVAC Business

    Start HVAC Business
  • Period: to

    Work Hard/Raise Family

  • Contractors License

    Contractors License
  • Second Child

    Second Child
  • Start Teaching HVAC

    Start Teaching HVAC
  • Sell HVAC Company

    Sell HVAC Company
  • Son's Graduation

    Son's Graduation
  • Help Son start Feed Business

    Help Son start Feed Business
  • Purchase Feed Business from Son

    Purchase Feed Business from Son
  • Daughter's Graduation

    Daughter's Graduation
  • Wife and Daughter open Coffee Shop

    Wife and Daughter open Coffee Shop