British Parliament Passes the Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts passed by British Parliament, were heavy taxation for products known as paper, glass, and tea. -
Town Acts
1768 British customs officals had been harased and intimidated because of Town Acts. -
British troops arrvide
On October 1768, British troops arrived in Boston. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre started because King George III taxed the colonists and would not let them have freedom. The British shot first. -
theBoston masssacre is reenacted. -
March 1770 starting from a confrontation with British regualrs and ending with death of five colonists. -
Until many years after the boston massacre it occurredin 1773. -
Bad Soldiers
1770 a squad of Brtitsh soldiers come to support a sentry who was being pressed. -
The squad of British
Three people were killed. -
Eight British soldiers accused of murder were tried separarately from there captain.