
bostan massacure

  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stamp act was when the british thought the patriots would pay taxs on tea. this would make the patriots mad, because they were the only ones paying. And then the patriots would be what was called the boston tea party.
  • Period: to

    bostan massucure

    the boston massacre was about the patriots fighting the british by protesting and hurting solders and the british fired and killed patrios
  • bostan tea party

    bostan tea party
    the tea party was about when the americans throwing tea of a boat into the ocean because the british made them have tax on things like tea and the colinies were the only ones paying the tax so they resolved. my source
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    The british ended up winning this fight. the fight was the patriots ended up knowing the british would be coming up the bunker hill. The name bunker hill was because they fought in bunker hill but most of the fighting was breeds hill. i got my source from history.com ( https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/battle-of-bunker-hill) the british thought
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    this would kick of the american revolution. This battle happen because of the stamp act and sugar act and taxation to representation. The minute men fought in this battle their were 77 men, and about 250 british soldiers. It is unclear who shot first. www.historycentral.com/Revolt/Lexington.html
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    the declaration of independence was the first statement saying we are getting are on government. this was signed by a five man committee signed by thomas Jefferson, john adams and benjamin franklin. this happened because the british thought we were going to follow there laws with tax and land that they fought for but could not use. i used https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/declaration-of-independence for my sourse
  • comman sence

    comman sence
    in january 9th 1776 thomas pine published his article. and then the colinies went crazy evry on want it and they wanted to get declared to independence. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/thomas-paine-publishes-common-sense
  • battle of trenton and princton

    battle of trenton and princton
    this was when George Washington and his troops went and did a surprise attack in delaware defeating the germans and proving to the world we could win. the germans and british did not think they would cross the delaware and surprise them and this was when france would became our allies. my source is https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/charles-cornwallis
  • Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge

    Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge
    the Continental Army went to valley forge to attack the british with george washington and 11,000 solders. They would defeat the british in German town .
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    this was a turning point in the war momentum change side several times the british lost many casualties and the americans number of troops grew and they went to new york. this was not asmictral because the british thought they could push the americans back but then lost casualties, sourse
  • battle of the south

    battle of the south
    this was a british victory. The british would with drawl from philadelphia and on the south colonies it was a very devastating loss. this is asymmetrical because the british new if they would withdrawal they would be able to take over the south.
    a source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Charleston#:~:text=The%20siege%20of%20Charleston%20was%20a%20major%20engagement,shifted%20their%20focus%20to%20the%20American%20Southern%20Colonies.
  • battle of yorkton

    battle of yorkton
    George washington has just taken command of the troops. the troops were out numberd by the british lead by Comet de rumuch. but the americans won the war with the help of the french. i got my information from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Yorktown_(1781)