My Timeline

  • My birth

    I was born on March 11th, 2002 in Oakville Ontario Canada. I was apart of my first social institution that consisted of just my two parents.
  • Start of School

    Start of School
    When I first started school I had to fit a different set of social norms compared to what I was used to up until that point. I had a different set of rules to follow given by my teachers and caregivers compared to my parents.
  • First day of Grade 1

    I started grade 1 at the age of 6 years old. My role had now changed from daycare and playing and having fun to actually being my education journey. This was the first time that my role set had expanded from being just a son to my parents to being a student in a school.
  • First sports team

    First sports team
    At the age of 7 I joined my first sports team where I experienced my first example of role strain. When I first started playing soccer I had to balance having fun and winning the game. Even though it was a small step, it was my first step in balancing multiply responsibilities in the same role.
  • First Job

    First Job
    Once I got my first job as a swimming instructor that's when I first started to notice role conflict in my life. Up until that point in my life I had only had to focus on school and sports. However now I was balancing school, sports, family, friends and now work. This is also were my status as an individual really mattered. I was now representing the town of Oakville and everything they stand for.
  • Raptors Winning the Championship

    Raptors Winning the Championship
    When the Raptors won their first ever championship my cohort was ecstatic. For a few weeks leading up to it and a few weeks after, that's all anybody in my age group could take about. I feel like it resonated more with people my age and meant more to our generation opposed to others.
  • Corona Virus

    When schools shut down back in March of 2020 everyone in the world new that things would be different for the foreseeable future. On my 18th birthday back on March 11th, the NBA shut down which I feel like majority of people would say was the first major change to life. For most people born in the last 100 years, this was the biggest change to life events anyone had ever experienced.
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    First School Year of Corona Virus

    September marked the first year that students would be coming to school wearing masks and doing the majority of their learning at home. For most of us this was a massive transition from what we were accustom to. We had to transition from being able to rely on in class demonstrations for the most part to being more independent learners.