Book Project: The Magic Trap

  • The Beginning Of The Story

    Jessie was seeing how many coins and dollar bills were in her lockbox. She had collected over 80 dollars by scrounging for pennies on the street and doing chores. Evan then pounded at the door then saying “Let me in!” Jessie tucked her box away and opened the door. Evan was holding an old book. It was his grandma’s book. The book was about magic. He is trying to make a rabbit box. Evan needs a big finish for his magic show so he is going to make a rabbit box. He didn’t have wood though.
  • Their Dad Came!

    Their dad came at the perfect time! Their mom was going to a business trip and she wasn’t sure wether she should go because it was her first time leaving Evan and Jessie. She then decided to leave and said good bye to her children. Evan told his dad about how he wanted to do a magic show! Evan said that he needed to build a rabbit box. His dad said he could make a person disappear instead! Evan’s dad took off and later he brought a humongous box big enough so he can fit in it!
  • Their First Practice!

    Their First Practice!
    As Evan went through all his magic tricks, Jessie was in the box as the finale of Evan’s magic show began and Evan shut the box. Jessie doesn’t like trapped spaces so she opened the box and SCREAMED. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Her dad was watching too. Instead their dad said why don’t you guys use a rabbit instead? That got Evans mind thinking.
  • The Hunt For The Rabbit...

    The Hunt For The Rabbit...
    Evan was looking for pieces for a rabbit trap. Jessie was helping. “A carrot, check. A box, check. A string, check. A twig, check. I think that’s all!”
  • Why Do You Need To Go?

    Why Do You Need To Go?
    Their dad left them! He said he had a flight and if he missed it he would miss his job! Their dad said mom will be back soon and left.
  • Oh No The Storm Is Here! RUN!!!

    Oh No The Storm Is Here! RUN!!!
    Their mom didn’t come back from her business trip and the hurricane came to them! Evan and Jessie don’t have their dad to help them! Will they survive?
  • We Are Living Without You Dad!!!

    Evan and Jessie are surviving! They are putting buckets underneath cracks, keeping the refrigerator closed, finding flashlights keeping them for BIG emergencies and are being active 24/7. They do this for several days...
  • HOORAY!!! The storm cleared!

    The storm cleared and their mom came at the perfect time! “Look at the porch! What happened here?!” So Evan and Jessie told the whole story about what happened including tearing a big hole in the porch for a magic show. Their mom was so proud she could’ve almost given them her credit card. ALMOST though. She thinks that her kids are responsible enough to be by themselves while she is gone.
  • Oh No! What About The Rabbit?

    Oh No! What About The Rabbit?
    OH NO! The rabbit they caught went missing! “How are we going to do the show now?!” Jessie volunteered, “I’ll do it.” Evan said “You are AWESOME!” They set up the event in remembrance of their magic bunny. :(
  • The Magic Show!

    It starting! Many people showed up. Jessie was scared for a moment then remembered the magic bunny. “I’m doing this for him.” Jessie thought. It started and Jessie was handing Evan all the props. At last it was time for the finale. Jessie started shaking from just looking at the box. She got in and Evan closed the lid. As she was thought the secret compartment opened up and she slid through. Evan though Jessie was doing until she started taking to much time in the box.
  • The Magic Show! Part 2

    Evan was worried that Jessie might be stuck in there. At last she came out with the RABBIT!!!!!!!!! Everyone applauded for the magician and his assistant. Jessie got paid 20 dollars for being Evan’s assistant. “At last! I can open a bank account! My money is safe now!” Evan said “What did you say?”
    Jessie forgot about her rule about never telling anyone about how much money she saved. “Uh... nothing!” Everything went well for them in the end. THE END!!!