Korean war starts
North Korea crosses 38t Parrel into South Korea territories, starting korean war -
U.S.A Tries to Help
U.S Air force tries to help by bombing manchurian air field ,but quickly realize they attaced the wrong air field -
South korea gets kicked out
U.S.A and United Nations forces push back South Korea to nearly end of Korean peninsula -
USA Enters
U.S army crosses 38th parrel near Kee Song -
US Gets Surrounded
U.S Marenies gets sourronded by chinese communist at chinese resivior -
Natinal Emergencey
President Truman declares natinal emergencey -
Tactical Command
Gen. James Van Fleet assumes tactical command of Eighth Army. -
Boycott Begins
UN nations start military goods boycott of the People Republic of China -
An End May Be Near
North an South Korea start talking about a peace treatie -
Bombs Go Off
Washington authorizes bombing Korean power plants on the Yalu river -
Secret Mission
President Elsinhower goes too Korea for a Fact-Finding Mission -
Eisenhower Takes Action
Eisenhower replaces the frustrated Van Fleet with Lt. Gen. Maxwell Taylor. -
Communists Attack
Communists attack "Pork Chop Hill" -
End Finally Arrives
North and south Korea sign peace treatie after a little bit more than 3 years