Brown vs boards of education
The kids couldn’t get to class on time , due to the fact that they had to walk 5 miles to school and 5 miles back home , the parents couldn’t always take their kids to school because they would then be late for their own job . The white kids have fancy busses that take them to school , and they have electricity and more materials and better technology. -
Murder of emmet till
Emmet Till, 14 year old black teenager was lynched for whistling to a lady at a store in Mississippi. Emmet was in vacation visiting his cousins, and they happen to go into a store that caused them their death later on. They were pulled out from their house by Roy and cardy Brent . They were taking to a place far from home and Emmet was lynched and beat to death, his teeth were gone and destroyed. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa parks was an African black female , she stood up for most blacks and stood her ground towards racism. She’s most famous for not giving her seat up in the bus , she refused to be treated like a nothing among white people . -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
A meeting of black church pastors to coordinate events for back people. MLK was elected as first president of the ground because people like him and he can talk and speak for others .that group was a non violent strategy, not just mlk but the group. This group also register blacks to be able to work and vote, opposed Vite an war and better goes for blacks. -
Little Rock 9
9 students wanted to go to the white schools. The governor of Arkansas call out the national guard of 1,200 military men to escort the 9 black kids to class, from home to school. -
Greensboro sit sins
Greensboro buy items and they go sit at the lunch room at the store , they got told to leave because only whites were allowed to sit there. They were refused service and the store owners had to close early for the blacks to leave , but the blacks still kept coming day by day, and asked whites to protest with them as well . -
Freedom riders
Who was indued 436 individuals in 60 separate rides freedom rides , start in Washington DC to go to the Deep South to desegregate bus station, diners and hotels . A diverse groups undeteers from 39 states , most were college students arrived in Charlotte, north Cordona , black by kkk. Tires slashed and busses burned and beatings town after town. -
March on Washington
250,000 marches in woc. A pearful and respectful march for jobs and freedom. One of the largest gatherings in history. Martin Luther king jr,gave his famous “I have a dream speech”. -
Civil rights of 1964
Enabled federal government to prevent racial discrimination and segregation on race,color and religion or national origin. -
Black marches wanted to walk 54 miles to montomery to register to vote at the Edmonds bridge troopers brutally beat them .