Advent of BMX
BMX HistoryAt the end of the 19th century, the bicycle became a popular form of exercise and transport. Acrobatic music hall performers and others began to experiment with what new things could be achieved on this new contraption. -
Scot Breithaupt runs the first official BMX race
Scott BreithauptScot Breithaupt is the undisputed founding father of BMX. He was responsible for running the first ‘Official’ BMX race in California way back in 1970. He’s also the founder of the legendary, long time BMX manufacturer, SE Racing. Dubbed “The OM of BMX” in his racing days…even in the late 90’s SE still had a cruiser named after him, the “OM Flyer”. He is an ABA Hall of Famer, a living legend. -
SE bikes founded
SE bikesn 1977, he founded Scot Enterprises, and soon after, SE Racing was born. The STR-1, now known as the Quadangle, was the first SE bike ever produced -
BMX makes it to the big screen
Bmx historyBMX, still almost exclusively racing, had hit the big time. Sponsorship was booming and BMX had made it into the annuals of pop culture superstardom with the release of film E.T.