BMW Founded
March 7, 1916, Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto created the company BMW. BMW stands for Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke, or Bayerische Motoren Werke. -
BMW Emblem Established
Made with Bavarian state colors. First appeared in the middle of a propeller for a plane. -
New Beginning
Company relocation to Munich Oberwiesendfeld airfield, where the headquarters still are today. -
First BMW Motorcycle
The "R 32", made with a boxer engine with a shaft drive, which is still used in current BMW motorcycles -
Beginning of Automotive Construction
Purchased the company "Fahrzeugfabrik eisenach" and started automotive production. -
Establishment of "Shadow Plant"
BMW builds plant "Allach" for aircraft engine production near Munich with government funding. -
BMW takes over Brandenburgischen Moterenwerke
BMW and Brandenburgischen Moterenwerke combine to create aero cooled engines. -
During the war, BMW was a German Armaments and war materials manufacturer. Although they strictly build aircraft engines. -
Forced Labor
During the war, captured prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners were forced to work at BMW, this would leave a massive impression of BMW to the world. -
Difficulties with WWII
With WWII in full effect, allied forces were takiing over and deconstructing BMW factories, the salvaged machinery was sent around the world as reparations. -
New Motorcycle Steps
The "R-24" was the updated version of the pre war "r-32", and was much more efficient and had a newer engine build. -
The BMW 501
The first post-war BMW; the "501" was the first post-war and luxurious car, bringing BMW's status back to a high quality automobile company. -
Financial aid from Government and Shareholders
BMW was receiving financial aid to provide for the future of the company due to troubles with the war. -
"New Class Breakthrough"
BMW reveals 1500 model, a car that was both sporty, but also compact while being a 4 door family car. This car far exceeded standards and orders exceeded production capacities. -
Plant Dingofling Founded
Plant "Dingofling" founded in Dingofling Germany. It was the biggest BMW plant in the world at the time. -
Motorcycles in Berlin
Production of BMW motorcycles moved to Berlin-Spandau due to high market demand. They also created a new "S" model of motorcycle. -
Herbert Quandt Foundation
BMW made the foundation to celebrate their largest shareholders 60th birthday. -
BMW in Africa
BMW starts a plant in South Africa called the "Roselyn" plant, located in Pretoria -
BMW Motorsport
The founding of BMW motorsport started to start a new line of sportier cars. -
HQ and Museum
BMW builds the Headquarters and BMW Museum in North Munich. -
France Expansion
BMW builds its own sales company in France. This would be the first step to change BMW from a German company to a global manufacturer. -
BMW starts in Regensburg
Innovation Center
BMW builds the research center "Fiz" in Munich. This would have around 9000 BMW scientists researching and plotting newer ideas. -
Rover Group
BMW purchases the rover car group including land rover, rover, triumph, and mini. -
BMW goes USA
BMW starts up a plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina. AT this plant both the "z3 roadster" and "x" models would be built. -
Rolls Royce
BMW purchases the licencing to Rolls Royce and starts to oversee production -
"X5 Model"
BMW releases the "X5" model that was a combination of sport and AWD vehicle. This would blow up in sales and start up a whole new car market. -
Group Realignment
BMW now decides to be focused on making cars fit for the future. -
Selling of Rover Group
BMW forced to sell the Rover group due to too ambitious market expectations. Although they kept the licencing to Rolls Royce and Mini. -
Mini plant in Oxford
Directly after the plant being built, Mini cooper sales were 130% higher than expected. -
Rolls Royce Plant, England
BMW builds a Rolls Royce plant in Goodwood, England. The first car produced would be the Rolls Royce "Phantom". -
Rolls Royce Phantom
The Phantom incorporated new Technology from BMW into the car to make it one of the most advanced cars at the time. It also included the signature Rolls Royce "Coach" Doors. -
BMW 1 Series
BMW releases the 1 series which was the first modern, good handling, and premium feeling car in a compact package. -
Plant "Dadong" in China
Plant Dadong opens in China strictly for local sales due to the massive market. -
Plant "Leipzig" in Germany
BMW builds the Leipzig plant which was one of the most modern buildings yet. It was awarded the German Architecture Prize, produced 750 vehicles daily, and created 5,500 jobs. It would manufacture the 1 and 2 series, coupe and convertible series, and the i3 and i8 in 2013. -
BMW delivery center
BMW opens up the "BMW Welt" in Munich which would be the global delivery plant for BMW. This in combination with Plant tours and the BMW Museum would provide a full "Past, present, and future" view for the public. -
Strategy "ONE"
BMW comes up with strategy ONE for the future. This plan had four main goals: Growth, Shaping the Future, Profitability, and Access to Tech and Customers. These helped BMW to be profitable while enhancing the long term value of the company. This would shape the company motto: "The leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility." -
The "i3"
This year would mark the launch of the fully electric BMW i3. This car was built to be agile, emission free, and fun to drive. -
Launch of the i8
This year would also mark the launch of the hybrid BMW i8 supercar. This was to be designed as a futuristic supercar that was fast accelerating and extremely agile. This is still one of the most iconic supercars in the world.