Blues Timeline Assignment

  • The emancipation proclamation in 1863 initiated the start of sharecroppers and 'Juke Joints' which were places where African Americans went to listen to music and gamble.

  • The Blues had been evolving in America since the slaves came across the Atlantic with their African spirituals. W.C. Handy insisted that he had had the Blues revealed to him by a guitarist at a train stationHe discovers the blues and "12-bar format

  • the first peice of Blues music was published. It was Antonio Maggio's 'I got the Blues'

  • The United States enters World War I. Military and economic mobilization starts the great internal migration of African-America and exposes American troops to blues music, causing a blues music explosion.

  • Ralph Peer, the famous Artist & Repertory man for Okeh and Victor Records, makes his first field recordings in Atlanta, Georgia, marking the recording debut of both the folk blues and what will later be called country music.

  • The first male folk blues records, featuring singers Papa Charlie Jackson and Daddy Stovepipe, are issued.

  • Great Depression the United States blacks migrated north north to cities such as New York and along the route of the Illinois Central Railroad toward Chicago. New type of blues was made – Chicago blues and it was more powerful than all types before.

  • Robert Johnson was a very influential musician in his time and influenced the developement of the blues.

  • Muddy Waters makes his first Chicago recordings

  • The first U.S. tour by the Rolling Stones marks the invasion of British blues rock bands.

  • Columbia’s release of the complete Robert Johnson recordings on CD goes gold, selling 400,000 albums in six months.

  • Columbia Records released the complete recording of Robert Johnson on CD selling over 400,000 Album copies in only six months.

  • year of blues