blast to the past

By zrex
  • Period: to

    blast to the past

  • battle at lexington (america wins)

    battle at lexington (america wins)
  • Second Continental Congress

  • olive branch petition

  • common sense

    common sense
  • battle at moore's creek (american win)

    battle at moore's creek (american win)
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
  • battle at trenton (america wins)

    battle at trenton (america wins)
  • battle at princeton (america wins)

    battle at princeton (america wins)
  • Battle at Fort Stanwix (americans win)

  • Battle at brandywine creek (british victory)

    Battle at brandywine creek (british victory)
  • battle at Philadelphia (british win)

  • Battle of Long Island (british wins)

  • battle at germantown (british win)

    battle at germantown (british win)
  • battle at saratoga (america wins)

    battle at saratoga (america wins)
  • french alliance

  • Battle at Kaskaskia (americans win)

  • battle at charlestown (british win)

    battle at charlestown (british win)
  • battle at cowpen ( america wins)

    battle at cowpen ( america wins)
  • battle at yorktown (america wins)

    battle at yorktown (america wins)
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris