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Black Slavery and Atlantic Canada

  • An Offer of Freedom

    An Offer of Freedom
    Lord Dunmore offers any slave freedom if they escapse their rebel master. In doing so, they must fight on the side of the British Crown.
  • An offer that cannot be refused

    An offer that cannot be refused
    The British now realize they could hurt the Southern Economy by doing this. So, they offer something larger, in addition to freedom.
  • Retreating and Resettling

    Retreating and Resettling
    Americans are winning the war. Some Black loyalists are recaptured seeing as when the British retreat they leave many blacks behind; others resettle. 3500 settle in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
  • Slaves Coming to Canada

    Slaves Coming to Canada
    Black slaves are brought to Canada by their British masters. Canada doesn't use the term "Slave" though, they prefer "Servent". Many are brought to Quebec because this is where slavery is first introduced.
  • Blacks are treated unfairly... again

    Blacks are treated unfairly... again
    There are too many new-comers and Canada cannot accomidate. There isn't enough land and rations for everyone so the priority system is introduced. The blacks suffer from this. In the next eight years Canada will suffer greatly as will the black loyalists.
  • Sierra Leone Company

    Sierra Leone Company
    Sierra Leone Company is a british formed company. They offer more land and a chance for the blacks to form their own governing policies. Almost half of the blacky loyalists leave for Sierra.
  • Economy is doing better

    Economy is doing better
    The economy for the black community is doing much better. More black appertices qualify for trades. There isn't enough blacks to fill the availiable positions so the wages increase. Although they still face their disadavantages, there is hope in sight.
  • Freedom is near

    Freedom is near
    Slaves are being legally set free now. Slavery is beginning to decline in the uncoming 19th century.