Jan 1, 1450
Question 2
- Black slavery lasted in America from 1619-1865 meaning that the total duration was 246 years which means a staggering 12-13 generations of black people were slaves.
Jan 2, 1450
Question 3
- To white people, because they OWNED black people and had the ability to take them from their country and buy them from a market at their own will, their attitudes towards them would be dominent, supirior and also to some degree disgust as some people have towards pets and animals.
Jan 3, 1450
Question 4
- It wouldnt be very easy to change these mindsets because these attitudes have been established for 250 years and over 12-13 generations. In a way getting rid of something that old and traditioned would be like getting rid of religioun in some degree. It is what they grew up believing is right to feel towards those events.
Jan 1, 1481
Europeans begin to build trade settlements in west africa. Slavery demands grow in Europe causing captured africans to be sent back to Europe to become slaves. -
Period: Jan 1, 1481 to
Black Slavery
Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus founded America. Natives were forced to work. -
England established their first settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. -
The first africans were brought to America -
THe use of black labour increased dramaticly. -
Represtentitives from 12 of the American colonies voted to break away from british control. Thomas Jeffreson drafted the decloration of Independance, stating people are equall and have the right to liberty. During the war many slave owners abandoned their land and the slaves ran away -
Liverpool was the busiest transatlantic slaving port in europe. Builders struggled to meet demands for ships. -
A british society was formed for the purpose of effecting the abolition of the slave trade. -
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. It seperated seeds and fibers of cotton. -
A british parliment member worked closley with one of the Abolition Society's campainers to introduce a bill to outlaw the slave trade. The abolition act was passed and the british slave trade was abolished. -
America Colonisation Society formed to oppose slavery by rights. -
America was a divided country. The north oposed to slavery, the south did not. New states were being created and could not decide which side to follow. Politicians voted for the Missouri Compromise. It formed an invisible line across the country which meant every state above the line was anti slave and vise versa. -
On the 4th of Febuary the confederacy was established under Jefferson Davis. It was also called the confederate state of America. The American Civil War began against the South and North. -
Abroham Lincon issued the Emarcipation Proclamination. This made all the slaves in the confederate states free and became a member of the union army. 90 000 freed blacks fought aloneside a similar number to the north. -
The first amengment was passed. Confederacy nearly defeated. The slaves could fight. -
14th amengment passed. Anyone born in the united states were granted citizenship. All citizens have equall rights. -
15th amengment past. Illegal to deny a man to vote due to race.