Black panthers 01

Black Panthers

By ced7104
  • Formation of the BPP

    Huey Newton and Bobby Seale together form the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in response to feeling unprotected by white public servants during the US Civil Rights Movement
  • First BPP Office Opens

  • National Media Attention

    National Media Attention
    30 BPP members take guns to the California state capitol, sparking the first national media attention
  • Huey Newton in Trouble

    Huey Newton kills a police officer named John Frey and is convicted of murder
  • First Man Down

    Arthur (Glen) Morris is shot by US Government agents, making him the first BPP member to be killed
  • Bobby Hutton

    First member of the BPP, Bobby Hutton, is shot and killed during a police shootout