Black Lives Matter

By pacapps
  • Trayvon Martin

    Trayvon Martin
    Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was a member of his local neighborhood watch who claimed he shot Martin because it was self defense.This event sparked the Black Lives Matter Movement.
  • #BlackLivesMatter

    After a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman of murder or man slaughter, Alicia Garza, Partisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi reacted to the verdict by posting #BlackLivesMatter on social media.
  • #BlackLivesMatter Takes Hold

    #BlackLivesMatter Takes Hold
    Once Michael Brown was killed, #BlackLivesMatter really came into the public eye on social media-- having 2 million tweets mentioning the hashtag on some days.
  • Eric Garner

    Eric Garner
    Eric Garner, a New York man, was choked to death by a police officer for selling cigarettes .
  • John Crawford

    John Crawford
    John Crawford was shot and killed in a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio while holding a BB gun.
  • Michael Brown

    Michael Brown
    Darren Wilson, a Ferguson police officer killed Michael Brown.
  • Tamir Rice

    Tamir Rice
    After police were called because a black male kept "pulling a gun out of his pants and pointing it at people", Tamir Rice was shot and killed by 2 police officers.
  • Tony Robinson

    Tony Robinson
    After responding to reports of an unarmed black male jumping in front of cars and attempting to strangle someone, Mathew Kenny, a Wisconsin police officer shot and killed Tony Robinson.
  • Walter Scott

    Walter Scott
    Walter Scott, after getting pulled over for a broken taillight was shot and killed by Michael Slager because he claimed Scott was trying to take his taser.
  • Freddie Gray

    Freddie Gray
    After being arrested for what law enforcement believed to be an illegal switchblade, Freddie Gray died from a spinal injury sustained while in custody of the Baltimore police.