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Benjamin Banneker

  • Benjamin banneker Birth

    Benjamin banneker Birth
    Born on November 9, 1731 in Baltimore Country, Maryland
  • Banjamin's Early Life

    Banjamin's Early Life
    Benjamin Banneker was the son of an ex-slave named Robert and his wife, Mary Banneky. He have 3 sisters
  • Benjamin Banneker Accomplishments

    Benjamin Banneker Accomplishments
    In 1753,he was given a pocket-watch by a business associate: this inspired Banneker to create his own clock, made entirely of wood. His significant accomplishments include the successful prediction of a solar eclipse, publishing his own almanac, and the surveying of Washington, D.C.
  • Benjamin Banneker contributions to the black community

    Banneker ultimately acquired many scientific titles: inventor, mathematician, surveyor, and astronomer. His work inspired both black and white scientists. Educated in an integrated community school during winters, Banneker also studied books loaned to him by neighboring Quakers, who encouraged him to develop his academic talents.
  • How Benjamin changed society

    How Benjamin changed society
    Benjamin Banneker demonstrated that African Americans were capable of scientific and technology achievements
  • Benjamin's Education and Jobs

    Benjamin Banneker was a free black man who owned a farm near Baltimore. Banneker was largely self educated in astronomy and mathematics
  • Benjamin Banneker obstacle he overcame

    A free black in a slave state, Banneker overcame obstacles of rural isolation, little formal education, racial prejudice, and alcoholism to establish himself as a respected scientist, earn a place on the crew that surveyed the District of Columbia, and become a symbol of racial equality in the abolitionist movement.
  • Fun Facts about Benjamin Banneker

    His mother Mary was a free African American. His father was a ex slave who purchased his own freedom. He was able to construct a clock made entirely of wooden pieces.
  • Banjamin's Death Date

    Banjamin's Death Date
    Banjamin Banneker died on october 9 1806
  • how benjamin's contribution influence my life

    Benjamin Banneker influence my life by showing that you can hard work and achievement goals. sometimes i might fail but i can get back up try again and achieve it.