Escape of Harriet Tubmam
in 1850 harriet tubman escaped using the ugrr aka the underground railroad she made several trips back to help others escape....also during this time the fugitive slave act was passed it was illeagal to help any escaped slave and if you did see one you were to retun he/she to there rightful owner down south www.math.buffalo.edu/.../hwny-tubman.h -
Civil War
the civil war broke ou in 1861 and lasted until 1865 it was fought over slavery and staets suceding from the union it was ine of the bloodest battles fought -
Emancipation Proclimation
THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAIMATION was issued on january 1 1863 it said that all slaves should her by be free.....BUT it dit have downfalls such as this only applied to the states who had suceded from the union www.archives.gov/.../emancipation_proc... -
13th amendment
the 13th amendment abolished slavery and involuntarily servitude except as punishment for crime that was commited. www.loc.gov › Researchers -
African American Civil Rights Movement
this was to end racial segragation and discrimination and to give african americans voting rights -
Rosa Parks Bus Boycott
rosa parks was sitting on a montgomery bus behind the 10 seat that were for whites when they were all taken up she was told to give up he seat and refused she then was punished for vilating the law she then boycotted.
BOYCOTT-withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest www.thehenryford.org/exhibits/rosaparks/story.asp -
I Have A Dream Speech
martain luther stood outside loraine motel and gave his speech were he gave alot of african americans hope for jobs and freedom. -
civil rights act of 1964
the civil rights act stated that you could not desciminate according to color,sex,religion,or national origin this including when hiring promoting and firing -
Martain Luther King Assasination
martain was assainated at the lorriane motel in Memphis Tennesse.James earl ray is who assasinated martain....martain was rushed to a near by hospital were he was pronounced dead ...later then james earl ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison -
15th Amendment
the 15th amendment in the constitution states that african american men have the right to vote by stating that citizens should not be denied because of race,color or previous condition of servitude