This story is about a girl named Joellen and her parents are divorced and tells you how she lives with each parent. -
The story takes place between two houses 42 miles apart in Cincinnati, Ohio. -
Joellen is the main character she is a 12 year old girl, her mom and dad, her cousin Hayeden and her 2 friends Tamika and Annie. -
rising action comflict
Up until this year her parents only lived 4 blocks apart. Her parents have been divorced since she was a baby. -
rising action
Now her parents have moved 42 miles apart and her dad lives on a farm and her mom lives in the city. -
rising action
Jellen loves being with her mom in the city, she likes going to the movies, she likes going to baseball games, and she loves her mom's modern apartment. -
rising action
What Joellen dose not like about being with her mom in the city is her mom's rules and all the time ambulances go by. -
risinng action
What Joellen likes about her dad and the country is riding horses, cooking with her dad, and she likes that he has no rules. -
rising action
Joellen dose not dislike any thing about her dad and the country but at night she misses the city. -
rising action
Joellen feels torn beetween two worlds and feels she has to be two different people. -
climax/turning poin
Joellen is turning 13 and she want both of her worlds to meet. -
falling action
Joellen decides to be what she calls 'the new me' -
falling action
She wants everybody to call her by her real name Joellen. -
falling action
Instead of missing her friends recital or judo competition she cancels her weekend with her dad. -
falling action
The new Joellen askes her dad if she can have her city friends out to the farm once a month. -
falling action
She can now tell her mom how she can cook with her dad -
Joellen says '"i like this girl the new me." -
She tells her friends not to say the word 'hick' any more. -
Hayden from the country gets told the city is more than just crime and dirt and that there are also good things in the city that you wouls not expect.