1320- Black Death outbreak in Gobi Desert
The Black Death has its first major outbreak in the Gobi Desert, likely from Mongol travelers. -
1338- Black Death reaches Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan
The Black Death reaches Lake Issyk Kul from Chinese and Mongol traders, travelling along the Silk Road -
1345- Plague reaches Lower Volga River, Russia
The Black Death reaches Lower Volga River, in Russia. This began the expanse of the plague in Europe. -
1346- Black Plague reaches Crimea and Caucasus
The Black Plague spreads further into Southern Europe, into Crimea and Caucasus, near the Black Sea. -
1347- Plague reaches Messina, Sicily
The Black Death spreads further into Europe, into Italy. It came from war survivors coming home to Messina, Sicily. -
1347- Plague reaches Contantinople
The Black Death further spread, reaching Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) from travelers sailing through the channel. -
1347- Black Death reaches Africa
The Black Death reaches Egypt, beginning the spread of the plague throughout Africa. -
1347- Plague arrives in Alexandria
The Black Death spreads further through Egypt, reaching the city of Alexandria -
1347- Further spreading in Italy and Greece
The Plague spreads further and deeper through Italy and Greece -
1348- Black Death finally reaches Britain and Ireland
The Black Death spreads further North through Europe, through France, Germany, etc. and finally reaches Britain and Ireland. -
1348- Plague reaches Genoa and Venice
The Plague reaches Genoa and Venice, from war survivors returning home as heroes. -
1349- Black Death reaches Northern Europe and Scandinavia
The Black Death spreads further through Europe, reaching Scandinavia and Northern Europe in 1349 -
1351- Plague reaches Yemen
The Black Death, now deep in most of Europe and Africa, spreads further into Yemen. -
1353- Black Death reaches Moscow
The Black Death, now on its decline, reaches Russia, and infects Moscow