black american dream

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Colombus

    Christopher Colombus
    he discoved Amerique
  • Period: 1500 to

    Triangular trade

    most européen treated blacks as marchandise
  • Beginning of slavery

    Beginning of slavery to usa
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    American Civil War cause by election of republican president(Abraham Lincoln), the result of this war was the abolition of slavery
  • Abolition of slavery in usa by Lincoln

    Lincoln say : "Neither slavery nor any form of involuntary servitude may exist in the United States or in any place under their jurisdiction".
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    activist who was fight for black civil rights in the United States, for peace and against poverty
  • Period: to

    Rules Jim Crow

    these laws constitute a major element of the racial segregation in the US, they serve to distinguish the citizens according to their "race" while admitting their equality of right
  • First Blacks City

    First Blacks City
    It was the first city to be recognized in the United States
  • Création of Green Book

    Création of Green Book
    the Green Book was created by Victor Hugo Green for the Black people who wanted to travel in a Deep South
  • Mixed marriage

    Mixed marriage
    blacks can maried with white
  • Creation of black special school

    creation of school where we separate the blacks is the whites
  • Election of Obama

    Election of Obama
    election of the first black president