Charity's Beautiful Life

  • My Born Day

    My Born Day
    Hello World! Introducing CharityGrace Binta Smith on 11/06/2012!
  • My First Vacation

    My First Vacation
    We had so much fun at Bush Gardens in Tampa. My favorite part was the water park.
  • My First Steps

    My First Steps
    I finally did it! It took some time but I got it and I've been running since!
  • My Very First Christmas

    My Very First Christmas
    I loved my Christmas gifts and I got to meet my big brother for the first time. I think he was jealous of how cute I was.
  • My Baby Brother was Born

    My Baby Brother was Born
    I was so happy to have a baby brother. I love him so much. We have a lot of fun together.
  • My 2nd Birthday

    My 2nd Birthday
    I was scared of the candles but the cake was so good! I got lots of gifts and toys
  • My 3rd Birthday

    My 3rd Birthday
    I did not cry this time. I really liked my cake and my family showed me lots of love!
  • My 4th Birthday

    My 4th Birthday
    My 4th birthday was amazing. I had a Paw Patrol Party and My Nana and cousins were there.
  • My First Day of Kindergarten

    My First Day of Kindergarten
    I was so excited about my first day of school! I had Ms. Green and Ms. Bryant and they were amazing. I was ready to learn!
  • My 5th Birthday

    My 5th Birthday
    My 5th birthday was the best! I had a skate party and all of my friends were there.
  • My First Pet

    My First Pet
    Our first pet was a pit bull puppy named Smokey. He was all black with a little bit of white. I loved him and miss him very much!
  • My 6th Birthday

    My 6th Birthday
    This was my first birthday in Florida. I enjoyed celebrating with my class.
  • My 7th Birthday

    My 7th Birthday
    I got a lot of good gifts. I got a rainbow bike and other cool things.
  • Legoland

    Legoland was amazing! Everything was made from legos and it was so cool! We had so much fun. I want to go again.
  • My 8th Birthday

    My 8th Birthday
    For my 8th birthday, we went to a seafood restaurant and Mommy let me order whatever I wanted. I had crab legs, shrimp, corn, and sausage. It was a lot but I love it!
  • My Pumpkin Pie

    My Pumpkin Pie
    I got Pumpkin, my guinea pig, for my 8th birthday. I really wanted a bunny but I love him.