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The Cult of Domesticity
Seneca Falls
Seneca Falls was a convention for women, where the Declaration of Sentiments was refined and voted on. This Declaration laid out a set of resolutions that women sought after. -
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Revolution of Women Through History
The New York Property Act is Passed
This changed the laws concerning a woman's property. Through the history before this, woman's property was legally owned by either her father or her husband. -
First Birth Control Clinic
Margaret Sanger opens the first Birth Control Center in Brooklyn New York.
She is arrested for this. -
Women Are Granted the Right to Vote
After years of campaigning for this right, women are finally granted the ability to legally cast their votes in elections. -
Equal Rights Amendment
The equal rights amendment is introduced for the first time in to Congress. Although it is brought up in every Congressional session between 1923 and 1970, it is never passed to the floor of the Senate nor the House. -
The Pill is FDA Approved
The first pill, Envoid, is approved by the FDA -
Griswold v Conneticut
This court case ultimately concludes that contraceptives are a constitutional right for married couples. -
Margaret Sanger Dies
Eisenstadt v Baird
This court case grants the constitutional right of birth control to unmarried couples.