
William Shakespeare

  • Mar 23, 1564


    William Shakespeare was born on April 23rd, 1564. His birthplace was in Stratford, England. He was born to his father John who was a glove maker and his mother Mary Arden who was the daughter of ad landowner from a neighboring village.(142-145) William Shakespeare
  • Aug 26, 1570

    Education starts

    Education starts
    On August 26th, 1570 William Shakespeare education began he was 7 years old and he studied at the Stratford grammar school. William went to a school that taught boys with a wealthy background. He started learning Latin at age 9 and he studied literature and how to write plays.(9-16) Shakespeare the Elizabethan.
  • Oct 7, 1571

    The battle of Lepanto

    The battle of Lepanto
    The battle of Lepanto took place on October 7th, 1571. This event was a naval engagement that was between the Holy league and the Ottoman. This event was the first significant win for the christian naval force against the Turkish fleet.
  • Sep 26, 1580

    The circumnavigation of the world

    The circumnavigation of the world
    On September 26th, 1580 Sir Francis Drake returned from circumnavigating the world. He returned to Plymouth, England having captured valuable treasure and information about the worlds oceans. Later he played a very important role in the defeat of the Spanish armada.
  • Finds Love

    Finds Love
    On November 27th, 1582 at the age of 18 William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway. At the time they had a very significant age difference of 8 years which makes Anne 26 years old. Anne was also already pregnant before her and William got married she was pregnant with her daughter Susanna.
  • First Kid and Twins are Born

    First Kid and Twins are Born
    On November 27th William married Anne Hathaway.Before they were even married Anne was pregnant with there first child Susanna. In early 1585 Anne and William had twins named Judith and Hamnet.
  • The First American Colony was Founded

    The First American Colony was Founded
    In 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh founded the first American colony of North America called Roanoke island. lack of food and supplies and having a bad relationship with the Native Americans caused Raleigh and members of his journey to have to return to England just a year after they arrived. A while later John White held a second expedition and all the men from the first expedition had disappeared.
  • First Play

    First Play
    In 1591 William Shakespeare wrote his first play Henry VI part two.This play is a series of three and all of them were published at different times. The play is set during the lifetime of Henry VI of England.
  • The Worlds First Thermometer

    The Worlds First Thermometer
    In 1593 Galileo invented the worlds first thermometer. This device told people how the different temperatures could be measured. Today his invention goes by the name Galileo's thermometer.
  • Ivan the Terrible's Destruction

    Ivan the Terrible's Destruction
    In 1593 Ivan the Terrible's wife died and he soon went into a dark phase in his life. Ivan left Moscow and threatened to leave the throne but people pleaded for his return. He came back and demanded that nay traitors and law breakers should be killed with execution and this was the start of a reign of terror .
  • Death of Shakespeare Son

    Death of Shakespeare Son
    In 1596 Shakespeare found out the news that is son Hamnet was ill. At the time Shakespeare was on tour with his company and from family he found out that his son was getting even more sick. Since he was far from home he had to rush home to see his son but he was too late his son had already died. On August 11th, 1596 he was buried.
  • Hamlet

    The play hamlet was made in 1599-1601. this is considered Shakespeare's longest play and most influential to people. out of all the plays he ever wrote this play was the most popular.
  • Finding Jamestown

    Finding Jamestown
    On May 13th, 1607 four ships reached Virginia and named it Jamestown. This settlement was in honor of king James the first of England. About a month later John Smith set out on an expedition to find food and on there way they were attacked by Native Americans and only 38 survived including John Smith.
  • Globe Theater is Destroyed

    Globe Theater is Destroyed
    In 1613 the Globe Theater was burned to the ground. There was not many injuries but one mans breeches were on fire but then put out by a bottle of ale. The fire started during the performance of Henry VIII. The fire was said to be caused by a cannon that was misfired and lit the wooden beams on fire.
  • The Globe Theater Re-Opens

    The Globe Theater Re-Opens
    In 1614 the globe theater was re-opened after the tragic fire in 1613. The theater was named after John Gielgud. About 28 years later in 1642 it was closed and then re-opened again about 400 years later for actors to perform at.
  • Death

    On April 23rd, 1616 William Shakespeare died on his 52nd birthday. The cause still remains a mystery. Most people think that because a month before he was sick and he made his will because he knew his life was coming to an end soon.