My Amazing Life

  • Birth

    I was born in Illinois, and I was born in Ascension Resurrection Hospital.
  • Trip to Poland

    Trip to Poland
    Are family which consists of me, my parents and my older sister all took a trip to Poland to see family.
  • Pre School

    Pre School
    My first day of PreK at Beard Elementary school is my earliest memory. I remember feeling bad for this one kid that wasn't talking to anyone. Me and my friends deiced to go talk to him as if we used the IB profile trait caring.
  • Got my First Bike

    Got my First Bike
    This was a Saturday also referred to as Christmas Day which after opening up presents realizing that I got gifted a bike. Trying to learn how to ride it around the house falling multiple times and getting many bruises.
  • First communion

    First communion
    My First communion was a very hectic experience. After church we went going downstairs and took pictures however my front two teeth were MISSING. I was very emphasized when talking my photos but sortly after getting over it.
  • Bought first dirtbike

    Bought first dirtbike
    I bought my first dirtbike with my dad from Indana which was a 4 hour drive. My dad paid half and I paid the other however I wanted to modify it which in order to know what to do I have too be an inquirer and ask my dad questions.
  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    My little sister which is the youngest in the family was born in North Wester Hospital. I remembering visiting my mom bringing her all sorts of snacks as a result it raining and snowing outside.
  • Crashing Dirt Bike

    Crashing Dirt Bike
    Once getting comfortable with my dirt bike I decided to try to wheelie one day. However it didn't end up the way I wanted. Falling forwarded and getting stitched on my leg having to be a communicator and tell my dad what happen. Then got send to the hospital
  • Birthday Party

    Birthday Party
    I'm 9 years old, my parents and I decided to be open minded and invite all my friends to my birthday party at pump it up. There were around 30 kids and I had the time of my life.
  • Trip to florida

    Trip to florida
    My family and I all want to Disney studios in Florida. We went for around a week because of my older sisters birthday. She was turning 14. We went on all the rides especially the water ones.
  • Ski trip

    Ski trip
    Me and a couple of my buddies went to Wisconsin to go skiing. We went to cascaded for a couple of days. I didn't really know how to ski so in order to get over this fear I needed to be a risk taker. All in all I got the hang of it pretty fast.
  • Dad buys supper car

    Dad buys supper car
    This was a very exciting day my dad bought a Acura Nsx from a dealer ship in down town. We all went to the dealer ship and then I drove back with my dad home after he got the car.
  • Drama Performance

    Drama Performance
    I auditioned for my first drama performance thinking that I wasn't going to make it. However later that day I found out that I did and I got the role of shake spear. I had to be balanced by setting time aside to memorize my lines.
  • Started up a business

    Started up a business
    I finally started up my own business for amazon. Its called Amazon FDA which you buy product for bulk on different websites and stores which are cheaper there then selling it to amazon for revenue. After a while being reflective on my gross earning starting to make a revenue after a month or two.
  • A Car Hit Me

    A Car Hit Me
    This was a very skary day. A car hit me when I was riding my bike. It was very got that day so I decided to take of my shirt and the car didn't see me and almost ran me over which in result hit me front wheel and slide on my stomach. Me and my friends had to be communicators and tell the officers what happened.
  • First day at work

    First day at work
    Me and my friends decide to start working for my dad. He started us off by having us both drive fork lifts and organize a stack of bricks putting them on pallets.
  • Took my parents to florida

    Took my parents to florida
    I decided to buy a plane ticket for both of my parents and a lounge in Florida. This was a thank you from me for everything that they have done. But this resulted in me having to take care of my little sister.
  • Buying my First Car

    Buying my First Car
    I bought my first car which was a 2014 BMW M5. After saving all my money deciding it was finally time to buy my self the car I wanted to get. I just got my permit and wasn't even able to drive by myself yet. Being able to be principled saving my money helped me achieve my goals.
  • Jumping a boat

    Jumping a boat
    My friends deicide to invite me to his trip to Minnesota and we brought jet skis and 2 boats. He was driving the boat creating waves for me to surf on with the jest ski. Out of no were I turn around and look forward and he stops not realizing it and jumping over it. Cracking the engine cover and breaking the spark plugs on it.
  • Got into a Car crash

    Got into a Car crash
    I got into a car crash going from the doctors to go pick up medicine. The man claims he didn't see my but didn't even check his mirrors to see if there were any cars on his left side slamming into my car. I had to be knowledgeable and take pictures and take everything that was necessary for the cops to have.