Harleis life

  • birth

  • 1st b-day

    1st b-day
  • brother was born

    brother was born
  • 3rd b-day

    3rd b-day
  • 4th B-day

    4th B-day
  • Dad Meet Ashley

    Dad Meet Ashley
  • Mom meet Thad

    Mom meet Thad
  • Flew to Florida

    Flew to Florida
  • remember meeting my great great grandma

    remember meeting my great great grandma
  • went to Disneyland for the 1st time

    went to Disneyland for the 1st time
  • Dad And Ashley Got Divorced

    Dad And Ashley Got Divorced
  • Went to the Orange Lake Resort

    Went to the Orange Lake Resort
  • My Golden B-day

    My Golden B-day