
By spatton
  • Dr. Frederick Kettner

    The creator of biosophy was born in 1886 in Czernowitz, Austria . He got his doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Vienna. He was a solider in WW1 where he discovered a Bible, beginning to question the ideals of religion through the wars that were occurring. He began to question the teaching of the church into a "peaceful" world. This led him to come to America and establish a school for biosophic education. He was focused on his deep desire for peace.
  • First Uses

    The first use of the word Biosophy was coined by Dr. Frederick Kettner. The word came from the combination of biology and philosophy. This encompasses the main points of using the philosophy of existence and biological facts.
  • Spinoza group

    This group of people who were invited to the Spinoza group included free thinkers such as Will Durant, Felix Adler, and Upton Sinclair. This group's leader, Inyat Khan, who asked Dr. Kettner to start a Sufi Center in Brooklyn. This Center focused on finding personal spiritual search, which is what Dr. Kettner advocated for. This Center was then utilized by these free thinkers to give lectures to the public.
  • The Declaration of the First Spinoza Community

    This declaration gave clarity into the teachings of biosophy. It established the basis of achieving noblest standards of unselfishness. They utilized the ideals of the natural state of the world with the physiological mindset of the human brain. Being a apart of this community helped to develop each members character as a whole.
  • Peace Advocates

    Dr Kettner and his members of The Biosophical Institute helped to rally up over 41,000 signatures on a petition which was then presented to Inter-American Peace Conference. This helped to launch the religion into a more global sense.
  • Peace Flim

    This film was produced by the Biosophical Institute. This film was showed at the New York World Fair. This film advocated for fighting for peace in the world. The film contained Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Harold C. Urey, Arthur H. Compton, Nicolas Murray Butler, and more. These established names helped to create a sense of importance in the film.
  • Dr. Kettner Final Wishes

    Dr. Kettner last speech was at a luncheon for a church group in Cleveland. One week after his passing a letter was sent to President Eisenhower, encouraging him to make a peace University including 15 other actives presented to establish peace. After his death, there were no major events established by the religion. These ideals are still continued on to modern day peace advocates, fighting for the world as Dr Kettner had envisioned through the teachings of biophosy.