
Biography of Joseph Stalin

  • Birth

    On December 21, 1879 losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvii aka Stalin was born. Stalin was born in a village called Gori in Georgia, part of the Russian empire of that time. He is the third child born into a famliy, his father a poor shoemaker.
  • Schooling

    Joseph Stalin enters Gori Church School. Under the strict rules of Tsar Alexander III Joseph speaks Georgian at home, but only Russian inside of school.
  • Enrollment

    Stalin begins to enroll into Tiflis Theological Seminary, Georgia. Joseph got a scholarship to Tiflis and becomes involved with various activities rather than focusing on school. He hears and learns the ideas of Karl Marx along with Friedrich Engels. He is expelled from school when his ideas are discovered.
  • Reaction Update:

    Reaction Update:
    Reaction Update: Joseph Stalin is an exceptionally smart boy. After reading further captions he had to have been great to be getting various scholarships so young. I believe that he means well especially coming from such a distant family home. He seems to be very caring towards many that he knows. The fact that he is starting to read farther into some of these stories is sad though. They will most likely lead him to more trouble following being expelled, which is a waste of such a smart boy.
  • First Congress

    First Congress
    The First Congress of the Russian Social Democractic Labour Party is bonded together.
  • Police Are Here

    Police Are Here
    Stalin is arrested for the first time in his life. The arrest is against organizing strikes against an oil refinery. Following this first arrest it sparks a fifteen year period of continual arrests, exilements, and more arrests after he escapes from exile.
  • The Bolsheviks

    The Bolsheviks
    Stalin spends a period of time in Siberia. While there Joseph learns that Vladimir Lenin has formed the Bolsheviks, a political group that believes in the ideas of Karl Marx. Ideas that Joseph had been earlier expelled for. Stalin falls into a deep admiration for Lenin and all the Bolsheviks. Due to this he decides to join them. The Bolsheviks later turned to become a major Communist Party.
  • Reaction Update:

    Reaction Update:
    I honeslty don't understand why Stalin would join them. Joseph had so many scholarships and job opportunities. I strongly dislike him for going to the Bolsheviks. However, I feel a respect towards him at the same time because he felt so strongly about their beliefs. He has a good thought process but I do not believe he going about it the right way to try and make things happen for them. It is truly sad really.
  • Marraige

    Stalin and Ekaterina Svanidze marry at St. David's church in Tiflis. They end up raising one son togehter, Yakov Iosifovich Dzhugashvill, before Ekaterina dies of tuberculosis in 1907.
  • Writers

    Stalin co-writes alongside Lenin. They end up with the creation of "Marxism and the National Question."
  • Rolling Up The Ranks

    Rolling Up The Ranks
    Stalin had just been a major part of the October Revolution that the Bolsheviks had taken part in. Because of this Lenin appoints Joseph as Commissar of Nationalities. Joseph is now responsible for millions of non-Russians living under the Tsar, giving him even more power.
  • Reaction Update:

    Reaction Update:
    I am extremely confused emotionally about Joseph Stalin and the Bolseheviks. Joseph is extremely right when it comes to wanting to spread their beliefs. The fact of the matter is that Joseph Stalin is extremely good and successful at his job; but it is not a nice job. It ends in the destoration of many families during that time that in the long run did not deserve to get kicked out, beaten, or killed. I am super upset with the Bolsheviks. I hope that they are able to soon realize how wrong it is
  • Let's Try This Again

    Let's Try This Again
    Joseph Stalin comes to marry eighteen-year-old Nadezhda Aliluyeva. Aliluyeva commits suicide in November of 1932. Their daughter, Svetlana, defects from the Soviet Union and moves to the U.S, in 1967.
  • Top Dog

    Top Dog
    Joseph Stalin is appointed at General Secretary of the Communist Party. As Russia is transforming into the Soviet, Joseph is suddenly General Secretary of the now Communist Party and is now able to place others under their own jobs. He is very getting that controlling people and what they do is key to graining power. Eventually he has many key people in his debt for the jobs they have.
  • Five-Year Plans

    Five-Year Plans
    In a hard try to bring the Soviety economy in and adjusted to the industrial age, Stalin seizes farms and factories that were crucial to the nation's farming/agriculture. Hundreds of thousands of people due for protesting or simple because of starvation as Stalin ships food out of the country to attempt to cover up his backfired plan.
  • Reaction Update:

    Reaction Update:
    At this point I feel very bad for all the people that went out of buisness because of the Bolshevicks decisions. Most of those people survived off the minimal money they made off of farming. I think that Joseph along with the others will regret their decisons once they see how poorly they are effects the entire country. I get and feel for Stalin because you have to do what you have to do sometimes, but something like this is too harsh.
  • Best of Friends

    Best of Friends
    The Soviet Union allies with Great Britain and the United States in World War II. After the Soviet Union is invaded by Germany, Stalin decides that the Soviet Red Army with join there forces. Eventually the Soviet's Red Army defeats the Nazis and is responsible for liberating the concentration camp at Auschwitz in 1945.
  • Rejection

    When the 'Marshall Plan is enacted to provide aid to Europe after the devestation of World War II, Stalin rejects it. He believs that if accepted it would also benefit Germany, along with the fact that the U.S. is becoming too dominant. He attempts to block food from arriving in West Berlin. His plans fall majorly when the U.S. airlifts supplies into the city.
  • Permission

    Stalin gives Kim Ill Sung of Communist North Korea, permission to invade non-Communist South Korea. This of which ends up playing a big part in the Korean War. The U.S, supports South Korea because of its foreign policy preventing the spread of communism. Causing both sides to get eagerly involved.
  • Death Sentence

    Death Sentence
    Joseph orders the execution of 13 Soviet Jews, including five Yiddish poets, who are accused of treason and being spies. This was only the start of his plans to purge the Soviet Union of Jews.
  • Reaction Update:

    Reaction Update:
    Joseph Stalin and the other Bolsheviks had absolutely no right to have those men executed. I was able to easily agree with most of the things they chose to do even when they were fairly negative. But brutally enforcing death upon innocent men is something that cannot be defended in any way shape or form. IF there had been any legitimate evidence the situation would have been entirely different. However, the manner is that there was no real evidence and poor innocent people had to suffer.
  • Death

    Joseph Stalin had been keeping in poor health for quite some time. After suffering a stroke in his home, four days later he dies. Rumors circulated for long after that about how he had been supposedly poisoned.