My Biography
I am Daniela Pilalonga Castaño, I was born in 2001, on july 13th, I am have 15 years old, I was born in Buga, I lived in Ginebra during 10 years, My Parents is Maria Dorie Castaño And Carlos Pilalonga -
My baptisn took place one year after birthi when I Was five years I enteres school when I Was six years, my mon to gave me a bicycle after few months I Had stakes gift And when I Had my eight years I made my first communion -
when I was twelve years entered to sixth grade, it was a little difficult, Because it is a new stage, new teammates and new school. I live a while with my father in my first year bachelor, But later returned with my mother. when I was 14 years old. I made my catholic, and I change my school again, due to personal problems. -
I am in 9th grade in the Gidelca school, I am 15 years, I do sports like to go the gym, sometimes in physics classes I practice a lot volleyboll, I the mornings I study, In the afternoons I work and at night I do sport and for my future, I want to spend the year with excellent average and achieve my guard.