Foto yenni

My Biography

  • My biography

    My biography
    I was born on marc 14 of 1996 in camitrinidad hospital in bogota
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    my life

    since then i live with my parents,my mom's name is mary she is 42 years dad's name is rodrigo he is 49 years old
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    my little sister

    my little sister was born on june 2004,later i started high school
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    High school

    when is was 12 years old ,i start to study in marsella ied in bogota.i was studying there until i went to the university
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    my graduation

    I graduated is high school and decided to studyng a forensic technician
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    I graduated forense tecnic is Now i´m, studying in bogota in the university autonoma de colombia the law career and i'm in the tenth semester
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    My work

    i'm work as an administraative assistant in a mechanical workshop of cars
  • Hobby

    My favorito hobby is riding a motorcycle and travelling long fistances.