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Mi biografia

  • Nacimiento

    I was born on october 9th 2005
  • Primer viaje

    Primer viaje
    The first trip I made was to Ibague
  • Hospitalizacion

    I was hospitalized because I had amebas
  • Primer día de clase

    Primer día de clase
    Enter a garden for the first time
  • Entre al colegio

    Entre al colegio
    I went to school for the first time
  • Fiesta (Piñata)

    Fiesta (Piñata)
    They made a piñata for my birthday
  • Primera vez en la playa

    Primera vez en la playa
    We traveled to Cartagena to celebrate my mother's birthday
  • Muerte de mi abuelo

    Muerte de mi abuelo
    My grandfather died, the person I loved the most
  • Nacimiento de mi hermana

    Nacimiento de mi hermana
    My little sister was born, our joy
  • cumpleaños número 15

    cumpleaños número 15
    One of the most anticipated dates, I turned 15 and we had a celebration