On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin
In his work, Charles Darwin endeavored to show, both that evolution has in fact occurred and that natural selection has been the main, if not exclusive cause of the process. "Descent with modification" provided a much better explanation for the facts of biology and geology. His book became a best seller because he wrote in simple terms and with a desire that EVERYONE benefit from his book even if his intended audience was the scientific community. (the book) -
Sahelanthropus tchadensis fossil discovered
In 2001 a portion of skull was found in Tores-Menalla. Toumai (the skull) was the "earliest known hominid." It caused a stir in the scientific community because his discovery could knock Australopithecus afarensis out of the role of our oldest known bipedal ancestor. Through imaging and knowing the placement of the skull in relation to the spine they gathered more support for the theory but are unable to conclusively say without a leg bone. Origins: Human Evolution Revealed by Douglas Palmer