Billy Pilgrim is born.
Billy and his family tour the west
On their vacation, Billy and his family visit the Grand Canyon and Carlsbad Caverns. -
Billy's father dies.
While Billy was off in South Carolina on military orders, his father was shot and killed by a friend in a hunting accident. -
Billy Pilgrim joins the regiment.
As a replacement to the chaplain's assistant who had been killed in action, Billy was draft into the regiment in Decemember of 1944 as it was being destroyed by the Germans. -
Roland Weary dies.
In a train, seperate from that of Billy Pilgrim, Roland Weary dies of gangrene in his foot. -
The Bombing of Dresden
In four air raids between February 13th and 15th the city of Dresden was bombed severly. Billy Pilgrim and other survived tucked away in the Slaughter House. -
Billy graduates from Ilium School of Optometry
Billy marries Valencia
Although Billy considers Valencia fat and ugly he still marrys her because her father was rich and could give Billy many opportunities in Optometry. Billy also had seen the future of their marriage and considers it to be bearable, in the least. -
Billy places his mother in a nursing home.
Targic plane crash; Billy's father-in-law dies.
Both Billy and his father-in-law were aboard a plane on their way to an Optometry conference in Montreal. During the flight they crashed into a mountain claiming the lives of all passengers but one. Billy had survived with just a fractured skull. -
Billy's Wife, Valencia, dies.
Following a plane crash in which Billy and the copilot of the plane are the only ones to survive, Valencia drives to the hospital in a panic, crashing her way. She was unaware of the damage to her exhaust, leading to her death due to carbon monoxide poisoning. -
Billy Pilgrim's death.
Paul Lazzaro swore to get revenge on Bill Pilgrim for the death of his friend, Roland Weary. He kept his promise after Billy had delivered his speech and returned home. Billy did not fear death as it was just a part of life, he knew his death was coming and still refused anykind of protection offered to him.He was shot and killed by a lazer gun that night.