Slaughterhouse five

Billy Pilgram's Timeline

  • Billy was born in Ilium, NY

  • Family trip to Grand Canyon

  • 10 days after trip- Trip to Carlsbad Caverns

  • In the hospital for an infected thumb

  • He first came unstuck in time while in WW2

  • During the last mighty German attack of the war, Billy joined the regiment

  • Billy was discharged from the Army

  • Enrolled in Ilium School of Optometry after discharge

  • Dresden was destroyed

  • Elected president of the Lions Club

  • Billy was at a banquet for his son

  • Billy was drunk at a New Year's Eve party and cheated on his wife

  • Billy visits mother at Pine Knoll

  • Kidnapped by a flying saucer

  • Barbara gets married

  • time travelled to an appointment with a patient

  • Billy wrote about his experience in Tralfamadore 2 months after going

  • Plane crash that Billy survived

  • Beginning of story starts after plane crash