the first colony settled
the first colony, new south wales, settled by the british. it was ruled by a governor appointed by the british government. -
six self govening colonies
six self governing colonies are established with similer forms of parliamentry government.1855 NSW, VIC, TAS. 1856 SA. 1859 QLD. 1890 WA -
federation confrence
federation confrence, Melbourne attended by all colonies plus new zealand. it resolves in faver of an early union under the crown -
all six colonies
referendrams on the constitution held in all six colonies. -
commen wealth of Austraia
in auguration of the commen wealth of australia. first federal election held acorrding to state electoral laws. opening commen wealth parliament in victorian parliament building -
act passed
common wealth franchise act and electoral act passed -
federal election held
federal election held under commomwealth electoral act -
should australia become republic
constitustion convention held to discuss issues about whether australia should become a republic -
voted no
referendurn held to vote to on the proposal that ausralia become a republic a majorityof people voted no -
centenary of federation