Bill of Rights Timeline

  • West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

    Court Ruling: Unconstitutional to force unanimity of opinion on any topic.
    Why it Matters: Protects freedom of speech.
  • Mapp v. Ohio

    Court Ruling: Any evidence obtained by search and seizures in violation of the 4th amendment is inadmissible. Why it matters: Stops you from being charged with multiple things unlawfully.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    Court Ruling: Public schools cannot require students to pray Why it Matters: protects beliefs of all students
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Court Ruling: Constitutional to appoint attorneys for defendants who could not afford to retain counsel on their own.
    Why it Matters: guaranties you will be well represented.
  • NY Times v. Sullivan

    Court Ruling: The prosecutor has to have a plaintiff to show any wrongdoing.
    Why it Matters: Protects the freedom of press
  • Griswold v. Connecticut

    Court Ruling: They indeed had a constitutional right to marital privacy against the state's ban on contraceptives.
    Why it mattered: Protected amendment 1,3,4,9.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Court Ruling: People are required to be told their rights when being arrested and if they aren't anything they say can't be used in a court of law.
    Why it Matters: So they can't self incriminate themselves.
  • Loving v Virginia

    Court Ruling: Virginia's antimiscegenation violates the fourth amendment.
    Why it matters: the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State.
  • Tinker v. Des

    Court Ruling: They can't punish their students for wearing an armband to protest the Vietnam war.
    Why it Matters: protect the right of free speech
  • Brandenburg v. Ohio

    Court Ruling: The speech didn't incite or cause lawlessness making Ohio's law unconstitutional.
    Why it Matters: protect the freedom of speech.
  • NY Times v. US

    Court Ruling: The press can publish classified documents under the first amendment
    Why it Matters: Government can't keep information away from the public.
  • Furman v. Georgia

    Court Ruling: The death penalty is unconstitutional when used in a discriminatory manner.
    Why this Matters: Protects the 8 and 14 amendments.
  • Lemon v. Kutzman

    Court Ruling: Can't use tax money to pay teacher salaries in private religious schools. why it matters: Upholds the Establishment Clause.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Court Ruling: The 14th amendment protects women's choice for abortion.
    Why it Matters: The right to privacy.
  • Gregg v. Georgia

    Court Ruling: The death penalty does not violate the 8 and 14 amendments.
    Why it Matters: In extreme cases, the death penalty is carefully chosen.
  • New Jersey v. T.L.O.

    Court Ruling: The search of T.L.O.'s purse was following the 4th amendment.
    Why it matters: The search fell under reasonable search so it was constitutional.
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Court ruling: Johnson burning the flag was protected by the first amendment.
    Why it Matters: It doesn't matter what others say it is still legal.
  • Employment Division v. Smith

    Court Ruling: states can deny unemployment benefits for someone who gets fired for using drugs for religious purposes. Why this Matters: This would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind.
  • Church of Lukumi Babalu v. Hialeah

    Court Ruling: Church can make animal sacrifices because the ordinance was specific to just that church. Why it matters: It keeps states from restricting religion.
  • Morse v. Fredrick

    Court Ruling: School officials can prohibit students from showing messages promoting drugs.
    Why it Matters: Students can't undermine the school's mission to stop harmful drug usage
  • DC v. Heller

    Court Ruling: Can't ban guns because of the 2nd amendment
    Why it Matters: It protects the 2nd amendment
  • McDonald v. Chicago

    Court Ruling: The right to bear arms is applicable to the states.
  • Snyder v. Phelps

    Court Ruling: The First Amendment shields those who stage a protest at the funeral of a military service member from liability. Why it Matters: It keeps America's free and open debate alive
  • Obergefell v. Hodges

    Court Ruling: 14th amendment requires the states to accept same sex marriage and all states must recognize the other states.
    Why it Matters: The 14th amendment gives the right to marry
  • Mahaney Area School District v. B.L.

    Court Ruling: The 1st amendment guarantees the student's freedom of speech off of campus.
    Why it Matters: Students can say vulgar things without the fear of being kicked out of school.