Apr 14, 1007
massacre at Virginia tech
On this day in 2007, in one of the deadliest shootings in U.S. history, 32 students and teachers die after being gunned down on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University by Seung Hui Cho, a student at the school. -
The Revolutionary War
The roots of the American Revolution can be traced to the year 1763 when British leaders began to tighten imperial reins. Once harmonious relations between Britain and the colonies became increasingly conflict-riven. Britain’s land policy prohibiting settlement in the West irritated colonists as did the arrival of British troops. The most serious problem was the need for money to support the empire. -
the Supreme Court of the 19th century
in the 19th century brought forward a supreme court so hostile towards claims of freedom of spech. -
indian removal act
removing Native American Indians from the southern states of America in 1829, President Andrew Jackson signed this into law on May 28, 1830. Although it only gave the right to negotiate for their withdrawal from areas to the east of the Mississippi river and that relocation was supposed to be voluntary, all of the pressure was there to make this all but inevitable. All the tribal leaders agreed after Jackson’s landslide election victory in 1832. -
The Civil; War
The civil war took place from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of union or independence for the confederacy. -
vietnam War
In many ways, the Vietnam War was a product of decades of lousy politics, not just American, but including the global spread of Communism -
Island Trees School District v. Pico
this was a case in which four justices of the united states supreme court concluded that the first amendment limits the power of local school boards to remove library books from junior high schools high schools, four justices concluded the centrary and one justice concluded that the court need not to decide the question. -
on sep 11, the U.S got attacked by the islamic terroist roup known as Al-Qaeda.They took over three planes in which two of them crashed into the north and south world trade centers. -
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Ass'n
Video games are a distinct communications medium protected by the First Amendment -
State courts find teen-agers’ ‘fighting words’ unprotected
Recent court decisions in Arizona and North Dakota demonstrate that kids can face criminal charges and convictions when they utter “fighting words.” Appellate courts in both states affirmed juvenile court findings of delinquency for violating laws against abusing teachers and disorderly conduct.