Bill of Rights

  • The First Amendment

    The First Amendment
    This amendment states that congress can not make a law that violates basic human rights. These rights include the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to peaceably assemble, the freedom of press and the freedom to petiton the government.
  • The Second Amendment

    The Second Amendment
    This protects the right to bear arms for self-defense
  • The Third Amendment

    The Third Amendment
    This protects your right to not allow housing to soldiers in your house without your consent.
  • The Sixth Amendment

    The Sixth Amendment
    If charged with a crime, you have the right to a speedy and public trial in front of an impartial jury. It also states that you may have witnesses and evidence to support your case.
  • The Seventh Amendment

    The Seventh Amendment
    In a common law case that exceeds twenty dollars then you have the right to a trial by jury
  • The Eighth Amendment

    The Eighth Amendment
    No cruel or unusual punishment nor excessive bail should be inflicted
  • The Ninth Amendment

    The Ninth Amendment
    Anything not written in the Constitution is left up to the peoples desicion
  • The Fourth Amendment

    The Fourth Amendment
    This states that a citizen has the right to not let a police or other officer in their house for a unreasonable search or seizure without a warrant.
  • The Fifth Amendment

    The Fifth Amendment
    You do not have to answer a question if you feel that it will self-incriminate you.
  • The Tenth Amendment

    The Tenth Amendment
    Other rights not listed are up to the States desicion