Billy joel we didnt start th 33433

Bill Joel "we Didn't Start The Fire"

  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe
    Soars in popularity with five new movies, including The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve, and attempts suicide after the death of friend Johnny Hyde who asked to marry her several times, but she refused respectfully.
  • England's got a new queen

    England's got a new queen
    Queen Elizabeth II succeeds to become the queen of the United Kingdom upon the death of her father, George VI, and is crowned the next year.
  • Disneyland

    Opens on July 17, 1955 as Walt Disney's first theme park.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Signs with RCA Records on November 21, beginning his pop career.
  • Peter Pan

    Peter Pan
    Broadcast on TV live and in color from the 1954 version of the stage musical starring Mary Martin on March 7. Disney released an animated version the previous year.
  • Hula Hoops

    Hula Hoops
    Reach 100 million in sales as the latest toy.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    Beats Richard Nixon in the November 8 general election.
  • Terror on the airline

    Terror on the airline
    Numerous aircraft hijackings took place, specifically, the Palestinian hijack of Air France Flight 139 and the subsequent Operation Entebbe in Uganda.
  • Wheel of Fortune

    Wheel of Fortune
    A hit television game show which has been TV's highest-rated syndicated program since 1983
  • Cola Wars

    Cola Wars
    Soft drink giants Coke and Pepsi each run marketing campaigns using rock & roll and popular music stars to reach the teenage and young adult.