Born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955
Enrolled at Lakeside School. Uses first computer
Attends Harvard University
Gates and longtime friend Paul Allen made BASIC interpreter language on Altair microcomputer
Gates takes leave of absence from Harvard to work with Allen at MITS in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Partnership called "Micro-soft". Gates would not return to Harvard
Gates writes open letter to hobbyists in MITS newsletter calling out hacker community for stealing Microsoft's Altair BASIC software
Microsoft becomes independent of MITS
Microsoft moves from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Bellevue, Washington
Windows 1.0 launches
Windows 95 launches
Transitions from CEO of Microsoft to Chief Software Architect. Steve Ballmer assumes role as Microsoft CEO
Xbox gaming console released
Left day-to-day duties at Microsoft
Stepped down as chairman but remained on the board and began serving as technology advisor
Focused attention on philanthropy with wife, Melinda with their foundation started in 2000 post Microsoft