Bill Gates Timeline

  • No more college

    Gates dropped out of Harvard University In the the fall of 1973
  • Microsoft Founded

    Microsoft was founded on April 4th , 1975
  • Ms-dos Released

    Ms-dos was released in 1981
  • Windows 1.0

    Microsoft releases Windows 1.0 on October 20 , 1985
  • Apple vs Microsoft Lawsuit Argued

    This was when the lawsuit was argued
  • Apple vs Microsoft Decided

    This is when the lawsuit was decided
  • Law trouble

    The justice department filled a motion in court saying that Microsoft broke a agreement
  • Day to Day

    Bill Gates gives day to day management of Microsoft to Steve Ballmer
  • Melinda Gates P.O.T.Y

    In 2006 Melinda gates won person of the year
  • Steve Jobs complement

    In 2007 Gates complemented Steve Jobs saying " I'd give alot to Steve's taste