Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington to Henry Gates II and Mary Maxwell Gates -
Gates helps create the first computer that can read paper taped with data on them. -
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Working on computers at the university of washington
While in school Gates worked with friends on computers at the university of Washington. they did not attend the university. -
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Attended Harvard from 1973-1975 -
Micro-Soft Founded
In 1975 Micro-Soft (microcomputer software) was founded in New Mexico. Gates was 19 -
Letter for intellectual Property
In 1976 Gates found out his BASIC program was only on a select few computers at MIT and found out that his software was being used without people buying the license forcing Gates to write an open Letter to protect his intellectual property -
Operating system Idea
in 1977 Gates had the Idea that computers with one singular operating system would make it easier for people to learn to code -
In 1981 Micro-Soft teamed up with IBM to release a Personal Computer with their first OS MS-DOS -
Removal of Allen
Hearing Gates wanted to remove Allen, in 1982 Allen decided to leave the company -
In 1985 Gates was considered one of the most eligible Bachelors -
Contracted with IBM to create OS/2 in June, 1985 -
Windows 1.0
Windows 1.0 was officially released -
Trading Stock
Microsoft officially started trading stock in 1986 -
OS/2 And Windows 2.0
Both Windows 2.0 and Microsoft OS/2 were released in late 1987 -
Apple Vs Microsoft
In 1988 Apple Sued Microsoft in order to try and claim the rights to the GUI system