Bill gates june 2015

Bill Gates

By lomas
  • First PC

    First PC
    Bill Gates started his world wide reign with the IBM 610.
  • Windows

    This was a very major event because it became such a good operating system.
  • MIcrosoft

    Allen was hired into MITS, and Gates took a leave of absence from Harvard to work with him in Albuquerque in November 1975. They officially established Microsoft' on 4 April 1975, with Gates as the CEO. Gates never returned to Harvard.+
  • windows 98

    windows 98
    This was a very early version of the microsofts operating systems.
  • Xbox

    Bill Gates created the infamous Xbox that sold out in a couple years.
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
    This was the most used windows operating system.
  • windows 2

    windows 2
  • Windows 3

    Windows 3
    This is the start of a new begging after windows 2.
  • widows 7

    widows 7
    this is when windows 7 was manufactured
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
    This version of windows was probubly the most hated interface due to its hard to use home screen.