Bill Gates

  • Birth

    Born on October 28 in Seattle, Washington, to William H. Gates Sr., a prominent lawyer, and Mary Maxwell Gates, a businesswoman and civic leader
  • Attends Lakeside school

    Attends Lakeside School in Seattle, where he discovers his passion for computing. Gates writes his first software program at age 13.
  • Enrolls Harvard

    Enrolls at Harvard University, where he meets Steve Ballmer, but spends much of his time working on computer projects.
  • Drops out of Harvard

    Drops out of Harvard and co-founds Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen. They develop a version of BASIC for the Altair 8800, marking the start of Microsoft's rise.
  • Micrsoft secures deal

    Microsoft secures a deal to provide an operating system (MS-DOS) for IBM's first personal computer. This becomes a major turning point for the company.
  • Microsoft launches windows

    Microsoft launches Windows 1.0, the first graphical operating system, setting the stage for its dominance in the PC industry.
  • Microsoft goes public

    Microsoft goes public, making Bill Gates the youngest self-made billionaire at age 31
  • Windows realease

    Releases Windows 95, which becomes a massive success and cements Microsoft's position as a tech giant. Gates is also named the richest person in the world for the first time.
  • Steps down as ceo

    transitioning to the role of Chief Software Architect. Alongside his wife Melinda, he also founds the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on global health, education, and poverty reduction.
  • Does philanthropic work

    Gates Foundation, which becomes one of the largest charitable organizations in the world. Gates steps back from Microsoft’s board to focus more on philanthropy.