Benjamin Bloom

By pisati
  • Benjamin Bloom is born!

    Benjamin Bloom is born!
    Benjamin Bloom was born on Febuary 21, 1913!
  • Benjamin Bloom is a Valedectorian

    Benjamin Bloom is a Valedectorian
    Benjamin Bloom becomes a valedectorian which then makes him go to Pennsylvania State University.
  • He Went to the University of Pennsylvania

    He Went to the University of Pennsylvania
    He received a bachelor's degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1935 and a master's degree from Penn State, also in 1935.
  • He received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1942.

    He received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1942.
    He received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1942.
  • Benjamin Bloom Continues to Research

    Benjamin Bloom Continues to Research
    Benjamin Bloom continues to research which lead up to the discovery of Bloom's Taxonomy.
  • Benjamin and other Psychologists Concluded a Different Theory

    Benjamin and other Psychologists Concluded a Different Theory
    Benjamin Bloom and other psychologists concluded that there were three domains from studying activities from classrooms and different goals that they have.
  • Benjamin Bloom Publishes "The Taxonomy of Educational Cojectives"

    Benjamin Bloom Publishes "The Taxonomy of Educational Cojectives"
    Benjamin Bloom publishes an individualized method of learning and other types of education.
  • Benjamin Bloom Founds the MESA

    Benjamin Bloom Founds the MESA
    The MESA is an acronym for Measurement, Evaluation, Statistatical, Analysis program. This is technically what Bloom's Taxonomy was originally.
  • Former Student of Benjamin Revises Theory

    Former Student of Benjamin Revises Theory
    Former Student of Benjamin Bloom, Lorin Anderson, led another team of psychologists to come up with another way of learning and they called it Bloom's Taxonomy #2.(Published in 2001)
  • We Lost Him :(

    We Lost Him :(
    Benjamin Bloom dies on September 13, 1999. It is not confirmed on how he died but death is death. The only thing people know for sure is that Benjamin Bloom died in his home.