Bill Gates

By i1260i
  • Born

    Born in Seattle to a middle-class family, his father was an attorney and his mother was a school teacher (Wanke and kreit) .
  • Gates meets Paul Allen in primary school

    Gates meets Paul Allen in primary school
    Here he met his childhood friend whom he later on created Microsoft with, they had issues in midlife but reconciled near Allen's death (Wanke and kreit) .
  • Creates a computerized schedule for Lakeside school

    Creates a computerized schedule for Lakeside school
    His school saw his talent for computers and gave him the chance to create a computerized schedule for the classes. Lakeside at the time was one of the only primary schools with a computer (Wanke and kreit).
  • Enrolls in Harvard

    Enrolls in Harvard
    (Wanke and kreit)
  • Develops BASIC with Allen for the Altair 8800

    Develops BASIC with Allen for the Altair 8800
    Worked with Allen along side the company MITS to create the BASIC, Gates viewed MITS as his first real step in the industry (Wanke and kreit).
  • Takes first leave from Harvard

    Takes first leave from Harvard
    (Wanke and kreit)
  • Registers the trade mark "Microsoft'

    Registers the trade mark "Microsoft'
    Registers the trade mark "Microsoft' for his company with Allen who acts as cofounder.
    (Wanke and kreit)
  • Took permanent leave from Harvard

    Took permanent leave from Harvard
    A choice made to further focus on his company with Allen in the image above (Wanke and kreit)
  • First Microsoft office

    First Microsoft office
    Gates located his first office near MITS office to be involved in the Altair project and MITS. (Bill gates)
  • Microsoft first year sales exceeds $1 million

    Microsoft first year sales exceeds $1 million
    Image shows Microsoft logo change of that year ((Wanke and kreit)
  • Windows 1.0 is released

    Windows 1.0 is released
    Microsoft releases Windows 1.0 (Bill Gates)
  • Microsoft moves to Washington

    Microsoft moves to Washington
    (Bill Gates)
  • Creates MS-DOS

    Creates MS-DOS
    MS-DOS is licensed to IBM for the company first personal computer (Bill Gates)
  • Meets wife

    Meets wife
    Gates met his wife at a Microsoft event in Newyork (Wanke and Kreit).
  • Gates founded Corbis

    Gates founded Corbis
    Corbis is an archive of visual information such as art and other forms of media, currently one of the largest visual media collections (Wanke and Kreit).
  • Received the Golden plate award with Allen

    Received the Golden plate award with Allen
    Awarded the golden plate in the category of business (“William H. Gates III”)
  • Gates wedding

    Gates wedding
    (Wanke and kreit)
  • Released Windows 95

    Released Windows 95
    (Bill Gates)
  • Publishes "Business @ speed of thought"

    Publishes "Business @ speed of thought"
    His book became a best seller (“William H. Gates III”).
  • Bill & Melinda Gates foundation

    Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
    Charity foundation that is currently running, Gates spends most of his retirement focusing on his work for the foundation (Bill Gates).
  • Steps down from being Microsoft CEO

    Steps down from being Microsoft CEO
    Gates steps down from being Microsoft CEO to take on the role of Chief Software Architect, the following image shows the next CEO Steve Ballmer (Bill Gates).
  • Released the xbox

    Released the xbox
    The image shows a magazine advertising the Xbox in 2001 (Bill Gates)
  • Is bestowed an honorary knighthood

    Is bestowed an honorary knighthood
    (“William H. Gates III”)
  • Awarded an honorary Harvard degree

    Awarded an honorary Harvard degree
    (“William H. Gates III”)
  • Stepped down as chairman

    Stepped down as chairman
    Gates stepped down from the role of Microsoft chairman to take on a more relaxed role of Tech advisor (Bill Gates)
  • President Barack Obama awarded Gates the Presidential Medal of Freedom

    President Barack Obama awarded Gates the Presidential Medal of Freedom
    President Barack Obama awarded Gates the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Microsoft for donating over $28 billion to charity (“William H. Gates III”).
  • Stepped down from Microsoft chairman board

    Stepped down from Microsoft chairman board
    He cut full ties from his chair on the board (shown in image) and has completely stepped down from chairman board relations (Bill Gates)
  • Finalized his divorce

    Finalized his divorce
    Gates and his ex-wife divorced after 27 years of marriage though they still work together on their charity project (“William H. Gates III”).
  • Featured in Forbes; $104 billion net worth

    Featured in Forbes; $104 billion net worth
    (“William H. Gates III”)